Magento2 developer quickdevbar



  • Info : Main informations about controller, route, action and store. Search on core config data. Dedicated tab output for local and global phpinfo.
  • Design : List handles called and display layout structure of nested blocks and containers
  • Profile : View current observers, all events dispatched, collections and models loaded, plugins instanciated
  • Queries : Statistics about executed queries and detailed query listing with syntax highlighting of main SQL keywords
  • Logs : Display log files with ability to reset these files
  • Translation : Quickly see module, pack,theme and DB translations
  • Actions : Easily toggle template hints and inline translation and flush cache
  • Help : Show module version and link to github


  • Info tab 

  • Queries Tab 

  • See the toolbar in action Video


Manual (without composer)

  • Download zip file of thelast version of this extension under release tab
  • Extract files in the Magento root directory in the folder app/code/ADM/QuickDevBar
  • Enable the extension
php bin/magento --clear-static-content module:enable ADM_QuickDevBar
  • Upgrade Magento setup
php bin/magento setup:upgrade

With Composer

In the Magento root directory

  • Install the module
composer require vpietri/adm-quickdevbar --dev
php bin/magento module:enable ADM_QuickDevBar 
php bin/magento setup:upgrade

🤩 Do not miss the new version, fully compatible with FPC 🤩

composer require vpietri/adm-quickdevbar:dev-develop_ajax_loading
php bin/magento module:enable ADM_QuickDevBar 
php bin/magento setup:upgrade

More info in github repo here: