Magento 2: Deploy Modes

Magento 2: Deploy Modes

Hello Everyone,
Before we get into code, let’s talk about the different application modes available in Magento.
First we have Default Mode:
This Mode is the initial Mode that applies after Magento new installation we shouldn’t stay at this mode we have to switch to either developer or production mode.Developer Mode:
This is the mode preferred for development process
In this mode first- Errors are displayed in the browser (explain how
Throw new \Exception(‘demo’);
bin/magento cache:clean full_page
– XML files are validated against their schemas
I will add s to route tag
bin/magento cache:clean config
– Static assets are created on the fly
cd pub/static/frontend/Magento/luma/en_US
rm -rf moment.js
– Debug logging can be enabled
Stores-> configuration -> Advanced -> Developer
– Static assets and bundling are not appliedIf you have any question, please write a comment below I will try my best to help you
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