Category: Magento 2

  • Magento 2 wysiwyg upload error {file} was not uploaded. File validation failed.

    Magento 2 wysiwyg upload error {file} was not uploaded. File validation failed.

    The cause of this error in Magento 2 is missing php extension imagick or fileinfo both should be installed on the server you can check if they are installed by creating new file in your Magento 2 root directory/pub you can name it info.php and add this to the file and access it from…

  • Create Custom Payment Methods in Magento 2.4.7

    Create Custom Payment Methods in Magento 2.4.7

    First we create our module registration.php in app/code/Itcforu/CustomPayment/registration.php Now we create module.xml in app/code/Itcforu/CustomPayment/etc/module.xml Create system.xml file app/code/Itcforu/CustomPayment/etc/adminhtml/system.xml Now we create config.xml in app/code/Itcforu/CustomPayment/etc/config.xml Now we create our model app/code/Itcforu/CustomPayment/Model/CustomPayment.php We create this custom payment method for use in create order in admin panel only not in checkout page if you want me to make…

  • How to check Magento 2 version

    How to check Magento 2 version

    There´s many Magento 2 versions and editions. Sometimes you need to know, which exactly version of Magento you´re running – for example, for planning upgrade. Here is a few tricks, which will show your actual version of Magento 2. Special Magento 2 version page The simplest way to know, which version you are running without…

  • Best 3 magento 2 automatic related products extension

    Best 3 magento 2 automatic related products extension

    Magento 2 Automatic Related products Comparison of Magento 2 Automatic Related Products Extensions

  • Magento Cache Clean Plugin

    Magento Cache Clean Plugin

    Magento Cache Clean Plugin Tired of cleaning cache while you in developing or removing generated folder when you change class constructors here is the solution Plugin => magento-cache-clean This plugin will make your life easy and save timeIn few steps you can install and use it from here it’s free Install it from here

  • Magento2 developer quickdevbar

    Magento2 developer quickdevbar

    Features Panels Info : Main informations about controller, route, action and store. Search on core config data. Dedicated tab output for local and global phpinfo. Design : List handles called and display layout structure of nested blocks and containers Profile : View current observers, all events dispatched, collections and models loaded, plugins instanciated Queries :…

  • Issue: Product flat table will not reindex – Row size too large

    Issue: Product flat table will not reindex – Row size too large

    You can get this issue when you Enable Flat Catalog in Magento 2 and you have a lot of product attributes in your store SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1118 Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 65535. This includes storage overhead, check the…

  • How to Enable Flat Catalog in Magento 2

    How to Enable Flat Catalog in Magento 2

    Enabling Flat Catalog is recommended for enhancing the performance before versions 2.3.x and here are the steps to enable it. Please read this article Flat catalogs  If you use Magneto 2.2 or less You can activate the flat catalog for categories and products: On the Admin Panel, Stores > Settings > Configurations. On the left panel,…

  • Magento 2 : list of command shortcuts

    Setup upgrade: php bin/magento s:up Cache Flush: php bin/magento c:f Disable Cache: php bin/magento c:d Enable Cache: ​​​​​​php bin/magento c:e Static Content Deploy: php bin/magento s:s:d Di Compile: php bin/magento s:d:c Var clean folder: php bin/magento v:c Uninstall Magento application: php bin/magento s:un Runs cron job scheduled for setup application: php bin/magento s:c:r Disables specified…

  • Add custom fonts to magento 2 theme

    First we will upload the font files to app/design/frontend/[your_vendor_name]/[your_theme_name]/web/fonts The available types are: “woff”, “woff2”, “ttf”, “eot”, “otf”, and “svg” Second we need to create file app/design/frontend/[your_vendor_name]/[your_theme_name]/web/css/source/_typography.less add the following Mixin to the file .lib-font-face( @family-name:'[custom_font_name]’, @font-path: ‘@{baseDir}fonts/[path_to_font_file]’, @font-weight: [font_weight], @font-style: [font_style], @font-display: [auto|block|fallback|optional|swap] ); [custom_font_name] : the name of your font that you will…