Magento 2 : list of command shortcuts

Setup upgrade:

php bin/magento s:up

Cache Flush:

php bin/magento c:f

Disable Cache:

php bin/magento c:d

Enable Cache:

​​​​​​php bin/magento c:e

Static Content Deploy:

php bin/magento s:s:d

Di Compile:

php bin/magento s:d:c

Var clean folder:

php bin/magento v:c

Uninstall Magento application:

php bin/magento s:un

Runs cron job scheduled for setup application:

php bin/magento s:c:r

Disables specified modules:

php bin/magento mo:d CompanyName_ModuleName

Enables specified modules:

php bin/magento mo:e CompanyName_ModuleName

Displays status of modules:

php bin/magento mo:s

Uninstalls modules installed by composer (which only installed by composer):

php bin/magento mo:u CompanyName_ModuleName

Cleans cache type(s):

php bin/magento c:c

Disables cache type(s):

php bin/magento c:d

Enables cache type(s):

php bin/magento c:e

Flushes cache storage used by cache type(s):

php bin/magento c:f

Checks cache status:

php bin/magento c:s

Enable Maintenance Mode Using Command Line:

php bin/magento ma:e

Disable Maintenance Mode Using Command Line:

php bin/magento ma:d

Shows allowed Indexers:

php bin/magento i:i

Reindexes Data:

php bin/magento i:rei

Resets indexer status to invalid:

php bin/magento i:res

Sets index mode type:

php bin/magento i:res

Shows status of Indexer:

php bin/magento i:st

Ask me on comments if you need help

Hope this helps,