Tag: magento checkout

  • Magento 2 wysiwyg upload error {file} was not uploaded. File validation failed.

    Magento 2 wysiwyg upload error {file} was not uploaded. File validation failed.

    The cause of this error in Magento 2 is missing php extension imagick or fileinfo both should be installed on the server you can check if they are installed by creating new file in your Magento 2 root directory/pub you can name it info.php and add this to the file and access it from https://yourdomain.com/info.php…

  • Creat Custom Payment Methods in Magento 2.4.7

    Creat Custom Payment Methods in Magento 2.4.7

    First we create our module registration.php in app/code/Itcforu/CustomPayment/registration.php Now we create module.xml in app/code/Itcforu/CustomPayment/etc/module.xml Create system.xml file app/code/Itcforu/CustomPayment/etc/adminhtml/system.xml Now we create config.xml in app/code/Itcforu/CustomPayment/etc/config.xml Now we create our model app/code/Itcforu/CustomPayment/Model/CustomPayment.php We create this custom payment method for use in create order in admin panel only not in checkout page if you want me to make…