Magento 2: Return a standard page

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Creating a Basic Page Response

Magento provides a class to render a blank page that we can build upon. Here’s how to create a basic page response in our index controller.

  1. Create the Constructor: Define the constructor and inject the necessary dependencies. We’ll use dependency injection to inject the PageFactory class.
namespace Vendor\Module\Controller\Index;

use Magento\Framework\App\Action\Action;

use Magento\Framework\View\Result\PageFactory;

use Magento\Framework\App\Action\Context;

class Index extends Action


    public function __construct(

        private PageFactory $pageFactory,

    ) {}

    public function execute()


        return $this->pageFactory->create();


  1. Explanation:
    • Constructor: We define a private property $pageFactory and use dependency injection to inject PageFactory from Magento\Framework\View\Result.
    • Execute Method: The execute method returns an instance of the page created by the PageFactory.
  2. Factory Class: Factory classes in Magento are special objects managed by Magento’s object manager. They create new instances of objects each time the create method is called. This ensures that we get a new instance of the page object every time we request it.
  3. Testing: When we navigate to the front end of our site and refresh the page, we should see an empty Magento page. This confirms that our code is working properly.


Creating a standard blank page is an essential step in Magento module development. It ensures that the response aligns with Magento’s layout system, allowing us to easily add custom functionality and content.