Author: mohamed

  • Magento 2 Dependency Injection

    Magento 2 Dependency Injection

    Dependency injection: Hey everyone, and welcome to my channel! Today, we’re diving into the world of Magento 2, and specifically, we’ll be exploring a powerful design pattern called dependency injection. But before we jump in, let’s imagine you’re baking a cake. You need ingredients, right? Flour, sugar, eggs… the list goes on. Instead of running…

  • Create a Magento Controller

    Create a Magento Controller

    How to Create a Magento Controller As we discuss in the previous lesson the Controller consist of two parts controllerName and actionName We will create new controller under Kickstart folder Controller/Index/Index.php and we will use predefined template to create our controller For now, we will just use the die() function to output some text to make sure…

  • Magento’s MVC & Routing Mechanism

    Magento’s MVC & Routing Mechanism

    Hello everyone Detailed Look at Magento’s URL Anatomy When you look at a URL for any Magento page, you might see a URL like Magento follows a Model-View-Controller design pattern, also known as MVC. The Controller part of that pattern in Magento follows a very structured format, as each of the parts of the URL…

  • Create new module

    Create new module

    Hello everyone In this lesson we will know how to create new Magento module Magento Module Naming Convention The naming conventions for modules in Magento are straightforward. A module name consists of two parts, a “Vendor” name and a “Module” name. Step 1: Name your module In this course, we’ll use the Itcforu vendor name and the KickStart module…

  • Change WordPress admin URL

    Change WordPress admin URL

    Generate admin url now from here:

  • Password Generator

    Password Length: Include Numbers (0-9) Include Special Characters (!@#$%^&*()_+) Include Capital Letters (A-Z) Include Small Letters (a-z) Generate Password Generated Password: Copy Password copied to clipboard!

  • Admin Url Generator

    Generated Admin URL: Generate Copy URL copied!

  • Best 3 magento 2 automatic related products extension

    Best 3 magento 2 automatic related products extension

    Magento 2 Automatic Related products Comparison of Magento 2 Automatic Related Products Extensions

  • Magento Cache Clean Plugin

    Magento Cache Clean Plugin

    Magento Cache Clean Plugin Tired of cleaning cache while you in developing or removing generated folder when you change class constructors here is the solution Plugin => magento-cache-clean This plugin will make your life easy and save timeIn few steps you can install and use it from here it’s free Install it from here

  • Magento2 developer quickdevbar

    Magento2 developer quickdevbar

    Features Panels Info : Main informations about controller, route, action and store. Search on core config data. Dedicated tab output for local and global phpinfo. Design : List handles called and display layout structure of nested blocks and containers Profile : View current observers, all events dispatched, collections and models loaded, plugins instanciated Queries :…