Magento 2 : Understand layout XML files

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. What is a Layout XML File?

“A layout XML file in Magento is like a blueprint for your page. It defines the structure and content of a page using XML.”

2. Creating the Layout Directory

In our root module path we will create the file in this location


3. Understanding the URL Anatomy

“Magento URLs have three parts: front name, controller name, and action name. For example, in the URL

  • kickstart is the front name.
  • index is the controller name.
  • index is the action name.”

4. Naming Your Layout File

“Name your layout XML file using the URL parts. For the URL, the file name should be:


5. Creating the Layout XML File

“Let’s create the layout XML file with the correct structure.”


  1. In your layout directory, create a new XML file named kickstart_index_index.xml.
  2. Add the following content to the file:
<referenceContainer name="content">

<block name="itcforu_kickstart_welcome" template="Itcforu_Kickstart::welcome.phtml"/>


6. Explanation of the XML Content

“Let’s break down what we just added:

  • The <page> node is the root element.
  • Inside <body>, we have a <referenceContainer> node referring to the content container.
  • We add a node inside the container, specifying:
    • class attribute for the block class.
    • name attribute to uniquely identify the block.
    • template attribute to specify the template file.”


“To recap:

  • Magento uses XML files to define page layouts.
  • We created a layout XML file and added a block to the content container.
  • We created a template file for the block.
  • We flushed the cache to apply changes.”


“Now it’s your turn! Create a layout XML file and a template file for a custom URL, then refresh your Magento site to see the changes.”

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